

“Unleashing” PETs to increase the potential of our digital economy

This year, as the global pandemic comes to a close and our economy begins...

Inheriting Controls To Speed FedRAMP Authorizations

We are nearing a year since the announcement of the historic US Executive Order...

Laying Out the Blueprint

The best, as well as the worst element about our world is the fact...

Chasing Down the Crypto Criminals

While internal factors certainly leave the biggest impact on our growth, it shouldn’t mean...

Resetting the Priorities

There are many reasons that powered humans’ road to dominance, but if we sit...

Security Automation tools in Microsoft Azure

Security Automation reduces the time it takes to detect and respond to recurring incidents...

Elevating Your Value Chain Security with Blockchain and Smart Contract Infrastructures

Synopsis: This short technology-oriented article suggests both a strategic, and progressive way, to transform back-office...

How to manage risks and sleep better at night

Security Practitioners are often asked 'What keeps you up at night? To which some...

Under the Watchful Eye

We live in a world where all our actions come attached with some sort...

Why Basics Matter

Even though it is often said there is no silver bullet, organizations seem to...

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