
The Party Police is Officially Up and Running

Human beings might be the smartest species to ever walk the earth, but unfortunately, that hasn’t saved them from making a mistake every now and then. This dynamic, in particular, has gone on the display quite a few times now, with each appearance practically forcing us to look for a defensive cover of some sort. We will, on our part, find the stated cover once we bring dedicated regulatory bodies into the fold. You see, having a well-defined authority across all the possible areas was a game-changer, considering it wasted no time in hiding a lot of our shortcomings. Nevertheless, the whole utopia dropped dead before anyone could even realize, and if we care to be honest for a minute, we’ll see how it was all technology’s fault. We say that because technology, beyond making it a lot smarter, made our spectrum significantly layered. This gave people an unprecedented shot at exploiting others, while having to face no consequences whatsoever for doing so. Such a reality, like you can guess, overwhelmed our governing forces and sent us back to the drawing board. However, the tide will turn again, and once it does, it will bring back our regulatory industry back into the thick of the things. In fact, the same shift has grown more and more apparent over the recent past, and Airbnb’s latest decision reinforces that big time..

After imposing a permanent ban on parties back in June, Airbnb is now out to ensure that the ban is implemented properly. To achieve the said goal, the company has launched a full-fledged anti-party technology in US and Canada. According to certain reports, the anti-party tech is basically an algorithm to identify potential rule-breakers by looking at signals like the history of positive reviews, how long the user has been on the platform, length of the trip, distance to the listing, and weekday vs. weekend booking. If these metrics red flag the user as a potential rule breaker, the Airbnb platform will automatically block them from booking an entire property. Instead, it will give them the option to book single rooms, and that too where the hosts are likely to be present on the site. This, of course, builds upon an existing Airbnb regulation that prevents people, who are under the age of 25 and have less than three positive reviews, from booking whole properties.

“We anticipate that this new system will help prevent more bad actors on our platform while having less of a blunt impact on guests who are not trying to throw a party,” Airbnb wrote in a blog post. “While we are consistently willing to make trade-offs in the interests of building trust, our goal is to make these systems as precise and fair as possible to support our hosts and guests.”

Airbnb’s anti-party tech’s first public appearance came back in October 2021 when it was launched in Australia. Talk about the results it achieved there, the technology was able to cut back on unauthorized parties by a sizeable 35%. It’s safe to say that US and Canada will be hoping for similar results, if not better.

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