
Riding the Future

Even though technology doesn’t need to prove anything now, the visionaries responsible for its growth strongly feel that if we don’t get creative with the ways in which we use it, the creation might just stagnate eventually. Hence, to avoid such a scenario, we have been actively diversifying the footprint of technology, adding it to the core of everything that’s essential to us and more. Nevertheless, such aggressive adaptation hasn’t been a positive thing for everyone out there. For instance, an industry like regulation and compliance has suffered greatly due to the changing tide. The new-look methodologies of the companies has made keeping track harder than ever before, and this, as you can guess, is resulting in an environment where more and more companies are able to bend the rules without facing any consequences. However, we are finally witnessing a shift across the landscape. Regulatory bodies are now investing heavily to enhance their understanding of these tech-driven procedures, but they are not trying to limit further expansion of them. Instead, what authorities want to do is compliment the new technologies by providing them with a framework that not only optimizes the potential of that particular tech product, but also bears in mind all the other relevant factors such as social well-being. A testimony for it showed up clearly in a recently-given green light.

The California Department of Motor Vehicles has officially approved autonomous vehicle deployment permits for General Motors’ Cruise and Alphabet’s Waymo. It takes us a step closer to the commercialization of autonomous ride-hailing services. The concept has been on the table for a good deal of time now, with both the companies already deep in their testing stage. Now, under the new authorization, Cruise’s collection of autonomous vehicle will be able to operate across certain parts of San Francisco between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. While they are allowed to operate in light rain and light fog, the vehicles must not exceed the speed of 30 miles per hour. Waymo, on the other hand, is given the approval to operate in San Francisco and San Mateo counties, with the vehicle speed ordered to be at or below 65 miles per hour.

“Today’s approval from the California DMV makes Cruise the first autonomous ride-hail company to receive a driverless deployment permit in the state. It brings us one step closer to achieving our mission to make transportation safer, better, and more affordable in cities with our fleet of all-electric, self-driving and shared vehicles,” says Rob Grant, Cruise senior vice president of government affairs and social impact.

The companies are still waiting on the endorsement from California Public Utilities Commission; however, things are looking optimistic for a driverless future on the roads.

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