
Gaming Gone Wrong

Gaming community is hit with a strong setback. Nearly 6 million player profiles on a popular game called Battle for the Galaxy were accidentally leaked due to erroneously performed configuration on the cloud database. This little error on the developers’ part resulted in a 1.5TB worth of data getting exposed. The incident happened with AMT developers, creators of Battle of the Galaxy and many more insanely popular mobile and social titles, and it has sent shockwaves throughout the gaming community. From basic components like username to extremely sensitive information like the transactions made by the account, IP address, personal accounts linked to the gaming profile, the whole war-chest of data was allowed to let loose in a digital realm where hackers are always vigilant for such information. If the numbers reported are credible, we can say that 5.9 million user profiles were leaked with the data of over 2 million transactions and 587,000 feedback messages. AMT is yet to provide any comment. For now, the company has disabled their database.

It won’t be long-shot to presume that the leaked might have been already picked by a group of cyber-criminals. The amount so big can help in facilitating a series of grand scale phishing attacks, and the bigger their data pool is the better their chances are at pulling off a financial fraud. WizCase, who has been leading this story of AMT fiasco, strongly indicated that the users affected by this leak are now at an all-time high risk of facing a phishing attack.

WizCase also went on to reveal that with all the information the hackers might have now, they can easily “pose as game support and direct users to malicious websites where their credit card details can be stolen.”

This leak serves as a cautionary tale for all of the gaming community. It is widely advised by the experts to give up as little information as possible when signing up for a game. The other major suggestion extends to the parentsto avoid giving their kids their credit card for gaming purposes, as it can have bigger financial implications you think.


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