

Unpacking the Tech Mishap

Even though our cognitive ability is integral to what we are about, human beings...

SafeBase is a portal that simplifies vendor due dilligence

Modern software has multiple dependencies. If a company builds software, chances are they use...

Tightening Up the Policy Strings

As much as we fixate on the importance of internal factors, we cannot overlook...

Will cannabis banking risk remain after federal recognition?

As I speak with bankers across the country who are considering launching cannabis banking...

Ransomware: To Pay or Not to Pay?

Last year, CNA Financial Corporation, one of the biggest US insurance companies reportedly paid...

Application developers – your first line of defense

Defense in depth is a common concept when designing a cybersecurity strategy. The idea...

The evolution of KYC

When the concept of ‘Know your customer’ was first introduced in South Africa round...

Practical Applications for Blockchain at Financial Institutions

Let’s start with what blockchain is, a decentralized ledger technology that guarantees the authenticity...

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