

Boards of Directors and Cybersecurity

How to combat potential threats from cyber and ransomware attacks. 41% of business executives believe...

Cloud Security Incident Response: Instructions Unclear

Respond to security incidents in the cloud, they say.  Should be easy, they say. ...

Secure Business Communication in a Distributed Connected Edge: Build Next generation of Intelligence, Governance and Reconnaissance

Business operations have changed a great deal with an accelerated digital transformation and multi-geography...

Developing a Digital Identity scheme for the private sector

Think how many times you have found yourself searching through every box, shelf, and...

Can Organizations Afford to not use Augmented Intelligence for Audit Management?

Audit management is one of the most important tasks an organization must undertake. It...

Mobile security deployers: Say yes to MFA

Multifactor authentication (MFA) can make mobile payments seamless without sacrificing security, thanks to new...

Proof of Execution in a Digital World: Making Compliance Easy

With corporate spending on services and other indirect expenses now making up 20 -...

Why Graph Databases are Ideal forRisk, Fraud and Compliance

Interdependence in Risk, Fraud and Compliance Once of the challenges for applications that deal with...

Preparation is the key to quickly (and quietly) resolving cyber incidents

When you need to deal with a cyber incident, you want to minimize the...

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