
Addressing the Need of the Hour

Staying true to its weighty title of a global pandemic, Covid 19 took the world by storm and literally changed our lives forever. One of the many reasons why it felt like such an impactful event was because of how it forced us to completely change our habits. Out of nowhere, we had to adapt to a new way of living, and to call that experience overwhelming would be a massive understatement. While our personal life was already going through something unprecedented as the very act of leaving our house was deemed unlawful, our professional life also looked largely unsettled. All of a sudden, our entire workspace was encapsulated into a couch and a laptop. Platforms like Zoom and Google Meet became the new conference rooms, and cloud space took the role of all the paperwork. However, in all the commotion, we forgot to consider the entire picture. Even though technology was proving to be hugely influential in these turbulent times, it was also putting us at risk every single day. With activity severely bolstered around platforms like cloud, our systems became more vulnerable than ever before. This can be backed up by a spike in reports of cyber violations. Nevertheless, these testing times brought certain realizations to the fore, and one was about the growing need for a specified cloud security premise.

In an attempt to make that a reality, the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) and ISACA have now jointly announced the availability of the first ever credential for auditing the security of cloud platforms. The credential, named as Certificate of Cloud Auditing Knowledge (CCAK), is created to help IT and security personnel in ensuring that all the established internal requirements are being continuously met. Apart from that, the credential will do the work of providing guidance on elements like, curbing the risk factor, avoiding penalties in an event of non-compliance, making audit management more cost-effective, and facilitating smooth cloud migration.

While describing the significance of this move, CSA chief technology officer, Daniel Cattedu said:

“The introduction of the CCAK is an important milestone in delivering the necessary expertise to enable professionals to objectively evaluate critical cloud assurance issues.”

To prepare for the CCAK exams, aspirants can either use an online self-paced course or they can also seek two-day instructor-led virtual course. As per the reports shared, the exam will be made up of 76 questions that will test your knowledge in 4 primary disciplines i.e. cloud governance, cloud compliance, cloud auditing, and cloud assurance.

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