
A Tech-Powered Battle

Despite having all the cognitive abilities at our disposal, human beings just cannot achieve perfection. This, of course, hasn’t stopped us from trying. In fact, humans would go on to put-together many such attempts over the years. While each attempt brought us somewhat closer to what we were striving towards, none really did it quite like technology. You see, technology’s emergence was significant for the world due to the way in which established a whole new framework across the board. All of a sudden, we were functioning within an environment that was more productive than anything we had ever seen before. Unfortunately, when you have such an expansive dynamic in place, it does bring its own fair share of problems. For technology, these problems revolved around how so many people used it to fulfill their unethical objectives. Hence, the creation was given no option but to co-exist with the established regulations. In hindsight, we can say that the relationship between the two very different disciplines has been beyond eventful, and not for all the right reasons. A permutation of their troubled history together is actually once again on full display, as Google faces yet another legal battle.

Purdue University has officially filed a lawsuit against Google for deliberately violating a patent. The patent in question here talks to a technology that detects power management bugs. According to the claims made by Purdue, Google seemingly copied the methodology proposed by Professor Y. Charlie Hu’s research paper and added it to Android Lint, which is an error-catching tool in Android Studio development kit. Having received the patent in 2019, Purdue reportedly even issued a notification to Google last year regarding the infringement, but evidence suggests that Google is still actively using the technology. As a result, the university is now seeking unspecified “past and future” damages from Google.

“Purdue Research Foundation’s policy is to protect intellectual property developed and patented by Purdue University’s faculty and researchers. Many of the innovations are supported by taxpayer-funded grants and research endowments, and PRF is tasked with protecting those public investments from those who would infringe for private gain,” University stated.

Under further claims, Purdue also talks at length about the fact that Google is actually violating multiple university patents, and if the company refuses to negotiate a licensing agreement, the other ones will be added into their complaint as well. Google, on the other hand, is yet to provide a full-fledged response, but the tech giant has confirmed its intentions to fight and defend itself.

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